Category Archives: eBay Inventory

Importance of eBay Amazon Inventory Management for eCommerce Business

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If you are willing to own your online store in an eCommerce platform, gaining adequate knowledge about eBay Amazon inventory management is crucial. It will enable you to keep track of your inventory seamlessly. Keep reading this blog and learn about some of the importance of eCommerce inventory management.

eBay Amazon Inventory Management

●      Inventory Management: It Improves Accuracy:

With the help of an inventory management system, you, as a business owner, will be able to track your real-time inventory. As a result, there will be absolutely no room for human error.

●      Inventory Management: It Improves Productivity and Efficiency:

Better store management can be quickly achieved through effective inventory control. Your products can be seamlessly collected, located, packed, and supplied to the buyers within a short period.

●      Inventory Management: It Increases Overall Visibility:

With the help of efficient inventory management, you will get the brilliant scope of making quicker and better decisions. It will allow you to learn about the following things:

  • How many orders were received?
  • Which product was shipped?
  • Which product was returned?
  • Where are possible stock-outs?

●      Inventory Management: It Ensures Top-Notch Customer Satisfaction

eBay Amazon inventory management allows you to gain customer satisfaction in no time. Since you will be able to fulfill all your orders quite quickly, the customers will automatically gain faith in you. As a result, your new prospects might convert into loyal customers rapidly. Accuracy in your inventory management will fulfill the expectations of your clientele base, thus increasing their satisfaction to a whole new level.

What Are the Purposes of an Inventory Management Software?

Some of the essential purposes are listed below:

  • Predicting your losses and profits
  • Eliminating human error risk
  • Ensuring supplier, customer and distributor management

The Bottom Line:

With the help of inventory management or eBay Amazon Integration Listing Software, you can evolve as a successful business owner in the competitive market. You can establish your reputation as an absolute slayer by taking the proper steps.

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Magento eBay Extension for Hassle Free Synching of Product Information

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Many merchants have decided to sell on multiple platforms to enjoy an extended customer base. Thus, if you are a Magento merchant planning to sell your products on eBay, investing in quality Magento eBay extension is a great idea. Using this tool, selling products on both the platforms becomes simpler and convenient than ever. There is no need to waste time in creating product listings manually or keep a constant check on inventory levels. All this and more can be taken care of by using this tool which makes the task of a merchant less cumbersome and time efficient.

Magento eBay extension

Many times, it is seen that online merchants spend a lot of time and effort into manually creating product listings. This not only results in inaccuracy, but inefficiency. It inflates running cost of a business and thus needs to be replaced with an automated and a more streamlined system.

Sellers planning to sell across eBay and BigCommerce platforms can make optimal use of BigCommerce eBay extension that makes inventory management and product listings smoother and easier. Despite selling on multiple channels, using this extension makes inventory control and management very effective and efficient. Both online stores are optimally connected making updating product listings, prices, stock management, shipping orders, and more very convenient, systematic, and organized. This tool helps online merchants grow and expand their business beyond eBay and BigCommerce and sell on many other leading eCommerce platforms. Thus, it is imperative to choose the right tool and take your business in the right direction.

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4 Ways To Cut Costs In eBay Inventory Management

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Hundreds of eBay sellers have experienced some of their gloomiest days with mismanaged inventory costs that may have taken a small or irreparable toll on their total revenues earned at the end of the month. The ‘what just happened’ scene however, can be avoided, if sellers make a conscious effort to understand all the cracks and crevices from where profits can seep out and take active measures to remedy the same.

Here are 4 effective ways to cut costs in eBay inventory management that actually go a very long way in increasing ROI significantly…

Predict demand before over stocking warehouses –

Demand prediction, when it comes to stocking warehouses can be phenomenally important in saving extra expenses. Failure to predict demands has caused thousands of sellers to overstock warehouses with products that eventually became motionless in no time at all. The truth is if a certain product appears invaluable to buyers right now, certain shifts in the market can render them not-so-popular within weeks if not months.

So, for example, if you have already stocked your warehouse with the same product by thousands of units catering to 3 months of demand or more without taking into account the fact that they may not be as useful by the next 3 weeks, you may be in for paying a massive warehouse rent for units that fetch you no sale at all. Immobile inventory in eBay is one of the most dreaded causes of useless expense.

Use softwares for real time inventory movement updates –

This will save you from being stuck with immobile products that fetch no profits yet eat up warehouse space. Perfectly integrated inventory softwares allow sellers to stay in tune with real time movement of the units thereby updating the seller about immobile stock at the right time. Ecommerce solution developers that offer smart solutions like the Walmart API key Saving can be approached for the purpose.

Generate demands in locations of delivery before piling up stock in respective warehouses –

this basically goes out to sellers that are present in a range of different locations across the nation and beyond. It is always wise to generate demands through functional strategies in the concerned location before shipping thousands of units to the respective warehouses.

If you are using FBA, use FBA fee calculation softwares to determine expenses before making them –

eBay FBA is one of the best ways to complete orders with flair. However, if you are not aware about how the FBA fees work, you may be in for rude surprises at the end of the week or month. Using, FBA fee calculators can save a whole lot of expenses that eventually reflect in healthier revenues.

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