Author Archives: Steve_Burns

Features of Shopify Walmart Integration

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If you have a Shopify store and you want to promote and manage your store items then you can appoint a company that will have qualified marketing specialists because they will be able to easily provide you with high-quality Shopify Walmart integration and management services. There are many features of Shopify Walmart integration which you can avail. This blog will cover some of those features, they are as follows:

  1. Inventory management:

Inventory management is one of the features that Shopify Walmart integration can offer you. This feature will help you manage the flow of your products or listings. The company you will appoint can also help you with inventory management.

  1. Data synchronization:

Data synchronization feature in Shopify Walmart integration is very helpful because it allows you to synchronize data between multiple devices and it also automatically updates any changes so that the consistency within all the systems is maintained. This feature will help you to access your data from anywhere and anyplace.

  1. Order management:

This feature of Shopify Walmart integration will help you track and fulfill sales orders easily and efficiently. You can surely expect positive sales experience with efficient order management.

  1. SEO management:

SEO stands for search engine optimization. This feature will help you in conducting proper SEO management and as a result, it will help you in achieving your sales and marketing goals.

These were some of the many features of Shopify Walmart integration. Walmart serves more than a hundred nations and it is one of the largest eCommerce platforms online. Thus, you can rest assured that the integration of your Shopify store with Walmart will be extremely beneficial for your business. You can also search for Amazon Listing Software services to know how it can be assistive for your business.

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Why follow product listing for Amazon Seller Service?

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A product listing helps in increasing the rank of your website and also helps in giving good competition to another e-commerce website. It also helps in featuring the e-commerce page on the Google front page. For that, the Amazon Seller Service needs to have the best product listing page. Come; let’s take a look at the benefits of having the best product listing.

Get more traffic

The Magento Google Shopping Actions can attract a large number of audiences if the product listing is done effectively. Product listing is an important step for any e-commerce business. The review section of the product listing will help the customers to understand whether they should purchase the product or not.

Increased sales

It also helps in increasing the sales of the seller. Most of them get convinced by taking a look at the website. That is why; you need to hire a company that can create a better website that helps in increasing sales.

Better SEO ranks

If there is an increase in the traffic then the SEO rank will also improve. In that case, it is quite beneficial for a company to understand that the website needs to be such that it can attract a large audience. The review and rating of the product will help in convincing the buyer to purchase the product and ensure that it is the right product.

Increase in the profits

Well, the increase in sales means there will be an increase in profits. However, the best company will make a website that can help in increasing the profit margin. Therefore, to increase the profits, ensure that you are designing a website that has all the images and characters. People should love to visit your website to purchase the product.

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A Brief Guide to Bigcommerce eBay Selling Portals

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The recent strategic tier between the two joints in the world of e-commerce and selling that is big-commerce and eBay emerging as Bigcommerce eBay seller hub has made it even easier for all small and medium scale entrepreneurs to make it big. Now with the strategic tie-up instead of listing up on two different seller portal now all you need to do is to list up your product in a single selling portal. If you are already a professional in this domain you must be aware of the steps but for all the entrepreneurs out there here are the steps for using eBay seller tools.

Top-selling software tools for eBay

Accessing eBay related services: This tool was originally created by eBay for providing and easy access to all eBay related programs. Here you can have complete seller reports, eBay messages and monitoring reports, resolution centers messages, etc.

Free themes and listings: This is another reliable eBay selling software listing tool, where you get various free listing themes and supporting software for syncing functionalities, updating profiles, etc. This is mainly a multichannel tool with options of activating and deactivating the profile once your product has been sold, reliable cloud storage options, auto re-listings, and various other options.

Intuitive software: If you have an inventory and have multiple listing on various portals then a simple and intuitive software with cloud computing features syncing all the listings together is what you need.

Features to always look for
Now that you have a brief idea about the top tools, here are few features in tools to always check for

  • Check for template features
  • Check for schedule listing, auto listing, and relisting features
  • Check for bulk change allowances
  • Check for price and sell report monitoring features

With all features in mind search through the prime tools, reach out to leading eBay management services and make your best pick.

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Extensions Between Two Marketplace Giants Increase Operational Efficiencies

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When planning to sell products on multiple marketplaces, the vendor needs to invest in a high-end extension or integration tools making it easier and hassle-free for him to ensure high operational efficiency. For instance, if a vendor is already using the WooCommerce platform to sell products and is now planning to use Amazon to reach out to a greater customer base, it is recommended to use the WooCommerce Amazon integration tool. This way any changes made in the WooCommerce platform like product quantity, inventory, pricing and more, it will automatically be reflected on Amazon. This way, it saves a lot of precious time and effort that vendors can put to more productive purposes.

Here are a few more benefits that can be enjoyed by using the BigCommerce eBay integration tool.

Inventory Sync

The tool helps in quick syncing of inventory with real-time updates making inventory management easier, faster, smoother, and convenient as ever.

Bulk Upload
The tool makes it easier for the vendor to upload products in bulk on a marketplace using bulk upload features with just one click of the mouse.

Easy to manage dashboard

The store can be easily and smoothly managed on a single dashboard. It makes it easier for the vendor to stay ahead of his competitors by staying on top of things.

There are many features of this integration tool which saves a lot of time and effort for the vendor. It is very easy and quick to install, 24*7 responsive support, and detailed documentation. This plugin is the best choice when planning to take your online business to greater heights and the next level of success. Some important ways that it helps vendors is by-

1. Quick profile-based product upload
2. Product Category Mapping
3. Rejected Products Notification
4. Configurable and simple products upload
5. Profile-based pricing and synchronized inventory.

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Magento eBay Extension for Hassle Free Synching of Product Information

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Many merchants have decided to sell on multiple platforms to enjoy an extended customer base. Thus, if you are a Magento merchant planning to sell your products on eBay, investing in quality Magento eBay extension is a great idea. Using this tool, selling products on both the platforms becomes simpler and convenient than ever. There is no need to waste time in creating product listings manually or keep a constant check on inventory levels. All this and more can be taken care of by using this tool which makes the task of a merchant less cumbersome and time efficient.

Magento eBay extension

Many times, it is seen that online merchants spend a lot of time and effort into manually creating product listings. This not only results in inaccuracy, but inefficiency. It inflates running cost of a business and thus needs to be replaced with an automated and a more streamlined system.

Sellers planning to sell across eBay and BigCommerce platforms can make optimal use of BigCommerce eBay extension that makes inventory management and product listings smoother and easier. Despite selling on multiple channels, using this extension makes inventory control and management very effective and efficient. Both online stores are optimally connected making updating product listings, prices, stock management, shipping orders, and more very convenient, systematic, and organized. This tool helps online merchants grow and expand their business beyond eBay and BigCommerce and sell on many other leading eCommerce platforms. Thus, it is imperative to choose the right tool and take your business in the right direction.

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Magento Amazon Integration Tool- The Best Way to Make Optimal Use of Both Platforms

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It is nothing less than daunting to manage extensive inventories on multiple eCommerce platforms. Many online merchants face this challenge and as a result, they find themselves spending every moment on managing these operational tasks instead of planning to grow their business. If a merchant already has an online store and now planning to sell his products on platforms like Magento and Amazon, he has to look for a sophisticated tool like the Magento Amazon Integration tool that helps manage both platforms with remarkable ease. Many virtual world businesses have gained immense benefits in terms of operational efficiencies and have successfully grown their businesses. This tool allows them to manage and create product listings, control and manage stock or inventory levels across multiple platforms and process orders through an integrated back-end resource. It is a user-friendly tool and is known for its intuitive interface.

Bigcommerce Google Shopping Actions

Merchants that wish to reach out to a greater customer base transcending geographical borders can make effective use of BigCommerce Google Shopping Actions. This tool helps them to increase their reach to new markets in just a few hours. Moreover, online shoppers watching their services, products, prices, and features are guaranteed. The tool ensures convenient and seamless shopping for online customers. Since the tool has a lot of benefits, many online merchants look for a smart automated system that makes their business profitable. Check out various tools available in the market and choose one that makes your business profitable. This way, traders can focus more on growing their business and reach to a greater customer base.

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Get your online business an intelligent Magento Amazon extension

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ECommerce merchants cannot afford to disregard the importance of gigantic marketplaces like Amazon. Hence, even when online sellers have their own beautifully created Magento store online, they look for ways and means to be able to sell effectively on the world’s number one eCommerce platform. The demand for credible and high-performance Magento Amazon extension is an indicator of this. An extension helps the seller automatically connect his Magento e-store with his Amazon seller service helping synchronize both the e-stores on various factors. It works as the perfect tool to integrate two varied marketplaces in the best possible manner. Similarly, the right Amazon Seller’s software will work on enhancing a business store online.

Magento Amazon extension

At the fundamental level, both the software enables easy and quicker product listing and relisting, pricing and repricing, even bulk listing for that matter. When product listings are fine and done professionally, the rest of the selling business becomes easy and smooth. Be it the Magento Amazon extension or the Amazon seller software, both, work on the backend intelligently with the latest technology to offer amazing seller experiences which in turn gets converted into meaningful and sound customer experiences.

The decision to get such listing software is crucial for your online store. While optimization is primary, cost-effectiveness of such systems is one of the most important considerations for business units. The best Magento Amazon extension will be from a reputed and credible software company backed by artificial intelligence, enhanced analytics and reporting structures other than obviously the fundamental listing, inventory and logistics management features.

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Enjoy Amazing Shopping Experience with BigCommerce Google Shopping Actions

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If you are an online trader already selling your extensive range of products and services on BigCommerce marketplace and now planning to take your online selling experience to the next level, check out Google Shopping. Using BigCommerce Google Shopping Actions, it is easier to automatically integrate Google Merchant Center with BigCommerce Store. If the merchant wants to add more or edit the list of products on BigCommerce platform, it will be automatically done on the Google Merchant Center. It will also extend best help in managing AdWords campaign in Google Shopping.


Using this tool, it is also easier and convenient for the online merchant to optimize shopping campaigns. Once the installation of Sales & Orders and setting up of feed is complete, the merchant can reach out and access their Full Access Suite that helps in managing shopping campaigns. It is effortlessly done by using advanced and high-end optimization tools. Furthermore, the automatic display of Google Customer Reviews rating on the Google Shopping listings, there is a huge scope to improve exposure and conversion.

If you are using Shopify platform to sell your products and now wish to use Amazon, one of the biggest online marketplaces, using Shopify Amazon App can prove to be of immense help. Using this app, it is very easy to create listings of products and integrate with Amazon or linking current listings on Shopify with Amazon. Using the comfort of Shopify, the online merchants can manage their Amazon inventory and fulfill the orders in the most hassle-free manner.

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Amazon seller software enabling your online store to work synchronized with Amazon

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Your virtual business on the Shopify store is doing fine and you are happy with the performance. But now you want the world to know about your product and undertake major expansion plans! Expansion and growth is the aim of every developing business but in order to create an impact in the virtual world, your Shopify store alone cannot do much without the support and push from a big player like Amazon.

Shopify Amazon

Using the right Amazon Seller software is extremely crucial – using inefficient and misleading software can badly affect your online business. On the other hand, some software or Apps available in the market could be on the expensive side and sheer waste of money. There is however, a cost-effective solution to all this and you need to find the right one for your business. While some Amazon seller software are quite cheap in the market there are many that have way too many feature that your online business may not need at the moment or in the future.

It is apt to integrate your Shopify e-store and the Amazon seller platform comprehensively using the right Shopify Amazon software from the right software developer. Integrated software integrates both the Shopify and the Amazon platform at the backend in a manner that it enables one-stop control over most of administrator related work. From replacing manual listing of products and prices, to keeping a vigilant watch on the inventory and updating prices and product descriptions, the right Amazon seller software will enable optimal functioning in the finest way.

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Let the Shopify eBay plug-in take Your Business to New Heights

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Today e-commerce has become the king of the business world. From your shoe laces to your cars everything is available online with appropriate descriptions of their features and the best prices. Keeping up with the current trend, a number of e-commerce platforms have emerged to facilitate the transaction between buyers and sellers.


A Competitive Market

While it has put the buyer with a great freedom of choice as same products are available to on different platforms in different styles and prices, it has put the sellers under a high competition. However, the sellers who are able to manage their products across platforms have been put at a greater advantage as they are now able to reach an even wider market and make yet larger profits.

Shopify eBay Plug-in

Two major platforms in the world of e-commerce are Shopify and eBay and when you get the best of the two together, your business is sure to increase several folds. However if you are worried that managing products across two different platforms is too difficult or complicated, this plug-in is just what you need. The Shopify eBay plug in is offered by a number of firms. However before you choose which plug-in to go for, go through what other services do they offer. The best service providers come with advanced technology such that you can navigate through both the platforms simultaneously and easily. They also take care that all the data transfer and entry are seamless and error free in both the platforms. All the services come at a minimal cost that gets covered with increased sale

Apart from Shopify eBay, the firms also offer other forms of plug-ins such as Shopify Google Shopping, Amazon Shopify and the like. So get the plug-in of your choice and give a new direction to your business.

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