Monthly Archives: February 2022

A Quick Guide About Shopify Amazon Integration

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Technology has been witnessing an increasing advancement with rapid time, shaping the business world in a better way. Integrations such as Shopify Amazon integration are obtaining broad recognition these days. Take a look at this quick guide to learn more.

Shopify Amazon

Requirements for Shopify Amazon Integration

Before connecting Shopify with Amazon, you need to consider some of the requirements that are mentioned below, such as:

  • As a seller, you need to have a Shopify account. To start the integration process, you need to provide your email address.
  • Amazon will offer you two different types of accounts- personal seller account and professional seller account. Go for the professional version, as it will charge you comparatively less.
  • Remember to subscribe to the Amazon FBA to ship and deliver your products. Besides that, you need to make sure that both Shopify and Amazon support identical currency.
  • You need to purchase Universal Product Codes or UPCs to ensure a smooth Shopify Amazon Integration.

What Are the Benefits of Shopify Amazon Integration?

  • As you already know, Amazon is a well-reputed online business platform used by millions of people. By integrating Shopify with Amazon, you can increase the exposure of your products among your potential customers.
  • Integration helps to sell your products on various sales channels, thus enabling you to expand your overall market reach.
  • Shopify Amazon integration will help you develop an understanding of the latest market trends and future customer behavior. Once you start selling on more than one platform, you will understand the demand for each product.
  • By integrating Amazon with Shopify, you will get the opportunity to sync the images and descriptions of your products in the Amazon seller account.
  • You will significantly benefit from the Amazon promotional strategies and affiliate marketing programs.
  • With Amazon, you can ensure your peace of mind. They believe in a transparent business model, due to which all your revenue will get reflected in your bank account within 1 or 2 weeks.

The Bottom Line

Shopify eBay is a platform that enables you to offer your products and services to reliable clients. With the addition of Shopify Amazon Integration, half of your business journey will seem like a cakewalk.


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BestBuy Canada & ChannelSale

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Canada’s largest and most successful consumer electronics retailer is online. Out of 280 million visits a year over 80% of them are online. With over $4 billion annual revenue it opens a huge opportunity for online retailers selling consumer electronics, fitness equipment, luggage and baby products as well.

ChannelSale & BestBuy

BestBuy Canada works like any other marketplace where sellers can provide product catalog, pricing, shipping, returns and fulfillment options and make best out of the missions of visitors on a daily basis.. All transactions will be processed by BestBuy Canada.

ChannelSale has developed API integration with BestBuy Canada that allows sellers to synchronize their existing product inventory with BestBuy Canada along with all other marketplaces seamlessly from one centralized source. The integration will allow sellers to control their product title, description, price, inventory and other attributes on BestBuy Canada from one preferred source. Orders will be imported into ChannelSale at a set frequency and can be sent to any preferred location and shipping tracking data will be set back to BestBuy Canada automatically.

Key Features 

Catalog Synchronization: Sellers will be able to to control all listing attributes like product title, description, price, etc from one single source.

Inventory Synchronization: Stock quantity can remain in sync from one source to BestBuy Canada and other marketplaces.

Order Synchronization: Orders from BestBuy Canada will be imported to ChannelSale and can be sent to any shopping cart like Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, Volusion, or any order management platform like ShipStation, ShipWorks, Order Motion at a set frequency.

Shipping Tracking Synchronization: Shipping tracking will be imported from the order management system and posted on BestBuy Canada and other marketplaces.

Business Rules: Sellers are able to apply all types of business rules on inventory, price, titles, description, etc. Business rules engine will allow sellers to match their primary data to BestBuys requirements.

Dedicated Support: ChannelSale will provide dedicated support for all sellers with dedicated team responsible for the setup along with members from support and development team. Demo sessions will be conducted to ensure all sellers are comfortable with operating the platform for multiple marketplaces.

BestBuy is the largest and most successful retailer in Canada. They offer the most unique experience to the shoppers for a wide range of categories. BestBuy Canada offers a huge opportunity to online sellers with 99% of the brand awareness and strong traffic. If you do not have an account with BestBuy CA yet, Contact us to apply and get started.

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Manage FBA & FBM Orders together

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A multi-channel seller has to constantly toggle between multiple ecommerce platforms. It is very common for sellers to list FBA and FBM together on multiple marketplaces. Sellers lose on orders if they are out of stock on FBA until the stock quantity is replenished.


ChannelSale simplifies with tried tested feature where if a SKU is out of stock on FBA, then the listing will switch to FBM. This way the seller continues to receive orders for that SKU. The switch occurs automatically, when the FBA SKU goes out of stock. No additional setup will be required to enable this feature.

To know more about this feature or about the platform call US +1 866 709 9495 or UK +44 800 029 3271 or write to us on

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Amazon Listing Optimization & A9 Algorithm

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The process of improving the products ranking for specific search queries so that the products can rank higher on the organic search result is seen as listing optimization. This can be done by optimizing the description, keywords, adding quality images and enhancing sellers reputation. The process of listing optimization is aimed at increasing traffic and conversion on the marketplace.


Working on Amazon’s ranking system can be complex and even mysterious to some sellers at times. However, it is possible to extrapolate the patterns as to how some products perform better than others. Product listings on Amazon may be influenced by several factors with listing optimization being the most important one.

A9 Algorithm

Amazon has developed an A9 search engine algorithm for product ranking and search.  Amazon has been using the machine learning algorithm for two years and it is growing with time. A9 uses search methodology for reading and analyzing all the data on Amazon and provides the best possible choices. The framework for ranking products is based on Artificial Intelligence and uses the principle of relevance to show relevant matches for shoppers queries.  Hence it is very important for sellers to optimize their listings to ensure that their attributes have strong relevance to shoppers queries.

The details of how A9 works is a closely guarded secret with Amazon. However, we have identified key factors on how the A9 algorithm works and explained how sellers can use them to increase their ranking and optimize their listings.

A9 for Listing Optimization

Below are a few recommendations on optimizing your listing considering Amazons A9 algorithm. Ensure that you follow them on all your top performing product categories and monitor progress on a regular basis.

Text Match Relevance 

Amazon’s A9 algorithm uses an intrinsic ranking system for text match relevance which factors in all text content uploaded as attributes for your listing as per the search terms entered by the shoppers. It is very important that sellers upload optimized and engaging titles, descriptions rich in keywords for having a high-ranking listing.

Out of Stock Listings

Sellers must have noticed that their listings lose top ranking when their products go out of stock. This is because the A9 algorithm factors in stock availability for product ranking. With Amazon, out of stock listings not just impacts the ranking but also has a negative impact on seller performance rating and Amazon account health. The results are a drop in overall sales. So to tip is, do not wait to restock.

Product Price

A9 algorithm will display high ranking and top selling products as per relevant search terms. Product pricing is also considered to check if it is suitable and competitive. Using a repricing solution helps but it is necessary to maintain a balance.

HD Images

Product images are everything for an online shopper. It is essential for a seller to have clear, bright and good quality images from different angles to increase ranking for A9 and eventually increase the sales conversion.

Amazon recommends a minimum resolution of 1280 pixels. However, it is recommended to have an ultra HD image with a minimum resolution of 2560 pixels. It is better to have images with 3D rendering for better customer experience. Top listings on Amazon generally have on average 6 to 8 images.


While creating a product URL, Amazon picks up the first 5 words of the listing title. Since these 5 words comprise 80% of the title on search engine result page, it is recommended to have the most relevant keywords at the start of the title. For better results, ensure to have around 100 to 120 characters in the title. Keywords can be separated by pipes (|) or dashes (-) so the title does not look cluttered. It is good to mention, color, brand, sizes, quantity etc on the title. Capitalizing first letter of every word helps make the title presentable.

Reviews & Ratings 

Positive reviews and ratings have a significant influence on the A9 algorithm for determining the listing quality. A good seller will create an incredible experience for customers with positive reviews from previous customers.

Amazon does not permit offering incentives to the buyers for reviews but sellers can request for a review a few months after the purchase. It is a good habit to engage customers by providing answers to their questions on the Q & A section.


Shoppers use Amazon marketplace almost as often as they use Google search engine. With millions of potential customers searching for products on a daily basis, it is important that your products stand out. For a seller to be successful, it is very important that they optimize their listings to match Amazon’s A9 algorithm. It is important that the products stand out not just by the way of listing content but also with user experience and after sales service.

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2021 Online Marketplaces Statistics

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With e-commerce booming on a global scale, it is important for sellers to track the latest ecommerce trend and statistics as online shopping is overtaking traditional retail. Global ecommerce industry has been transformed by major events like Brexit or Covid19. We will see how ecommerce industry has grown in the recent years.


American Buyers are changing

The total number of online shoppers has increased to 230.5 million as per Statista.

85% of the population visit online marketplaces and 79% make purchases online on a daily basis.

15% of the population make online purchases on a weekly basis and 62% of those prefer to only shop online.

Americans are spending

As per Forbes Global ecommerce sales reached $4.2 trillion in 2021 of which 25% were American consumers.

The average ecommerce spending per online visit was $3 US on average and the purchase value for a desktop user was 42% higher than a mobile user.

The US Census Bureau stated that 14% of all US spending was done online in 2021 increasing ecommerce sales by 39% to $199 billion.

Amazon US Statistics

eMarketer stated Amazon US sales grew 44.1% since  2020.

Amazon Prime members spend an average of $1,400 per year on the marketplace.

In 2021 65% of Amazon US buyers are subscribed to Amazon Prime.

In 2021 83.2% of Amazon’s US sales were for Books, music and videos.

When planning to make a purchase 53% of Americans begin their search on Amazon.

Rise of eCommerce with COVID19

The COVID19 pandemic is something no one prayed for. As the economy slowed down, the pandemic accelerated ecommerce. It became important for sellers to recognize new challenges and opportunities and embrace new ways to work.

As social distancing became a norm 67% of the buyers stated they prefer to shop online due to COVID19.

With the restrictions in the movement, ecommerce share in global trade increased from 14% in 2019 to 19% in 2020.

There has been an average increase of 60% of items per order due to pandemic.

Online marketplaces have been growing due to situations and recent trends. The opportunity is irresistible for those who wish to start selling online or expand into new marketplaces. As consumers evolve and migrate their spending online it is a good time for sellers to understand the statistics and learn how to make the best of booming sales marketplaces online.

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