Category Archives: Sell on Walmart

3 Ways To Attract Profits Into Your Walmart Online Store

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Walmart is presently on an acquisition drive to that is primarily dedicated to maximizing its online presence and offering Amazon a competition of a lifetime. While this king of all retailers in the process of making the best of opportunities, the new sellers who have just started selling in the platform are looking for greater avenues to push sale and profits beyond expected levels. Being basic does not work in and sellers by now have had a very good experience with this rather undeniable fact. Attracting maximum attention of the 90 million strong visitors that throng the platform every single month and growing, is usually not as easy as it may sound.

Attracting profits when you sell on Walmart online can get easier if sellers learn how to strategize right from the time of launching presence in this marketplace. Basically, there are 3 pillars to making the best of from the first day you go live…

What you sell

Walmart attracts a very large group of buyers that basically enter the marketplace to have their all inclusive requirements catered to. This could be home and utility products, affordable clothes and accessories, electronics and devices and most importantly, groceries as well. Did you know that bananas are one of the top selling products in Walmart? This basically means that if you are selling something of everyday relevance, will be more than happy to house your products.

How you price

Walmart offers best price guarantee to its buyers and there are no two ways about it. Therefore, you will have to ensure that your product list displays the ‘best price’ only before you send the same for approval. The prices of your products and value attached with the same goes a very long way in determining your way to the Walmart buy box which is one of the easiest ways to drive sale and resultant profits.

How well you have integrated

Whether it is the API integration or Amazon FBA integration for order completion or multichannel marketplace integration if you are a multichannel seller, you will have to make sure that your approach to syncing is not compromised. Selecting integration providers who offer special features like variable product and pricing management, immaculate category mapping, complete automation of price and listing management etc. are most likely to assist in long term gains.

To stay on the safer side of odds, approaching third party integration partners is always advised.

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3 Reasons That Always Feature In eBay Sellers’ Grief-List

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Over the past couple of decades infinite sellers have written infinite odes on eBay specifying every reason why the future of e commerce rests with this all inclusive marketplace. No wonder, the membership of this platform has grown to include thousands of sellers from all over the world in every single product category.

On the flipside though and all thanks to excessive competition and ever increasing complexity of this marketplace, hundreds of eBay sellers have been exposed to a number of nagging issues that have often compromised their performance or even their presence in eBay to nerve shattering extents. 3 of these issues can be listed as follows…

Back breaking struggle for scratch basic visibility –

Over the past 10 years, it has become ample clear to all selling entities in this marketplace that gaining visibility will never be an easy treat in eBay. In fact, no one can tell you for sure the true factors that matter in pulling a certain listing to the first page of the search ranking, leave alone the buy box that is best left to the will of the Heavens.

From integration to all inclusive optimization; from usage of high quality automation tools to lowering prices to no-profit levels, back breaking struggle for scratch basic visibility ranks as number one in the ultimate grief-list of all selling entities in eBay.

Sudden algorithm updates and everything that follows –

This keeps happening in a small scale every now and then and at a larger and more damaging scale when no one is expecting. Say for example, very recently eBay had introduced a special button for sellers asking if their order reached in time. While the buyers only have to click on yes or no, the seller fraternity was up with pitchforks to protest this unnecessary move.

The Cassini rollout was yet another event in the history of this marketplace that made sellers at all levels question the existence of the Almighty. These are counted among those thoroughly annoying hassles that you will seldom experience when you sell on Walmart or other marketplaces as such.

Horrible reviews for no apparent reason –

eBay takes reviews and ratings very seriously mostly because searches for products can be conducted on the basis of the same. Sellers therefore, need to put in extended efforts at generating reviews and ratings and that too organically in order to gain and maintain visibility.

However, eBay is one of those platforms where almost every seller has reported receiving horrible image-shattering reviews left by buyers for no logical reason at all. While eBay allows sellers to remove negative reviews through certain procedures, it can still make a dent on the image of the sellers in the short run.

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4 Expectations Of Walmart From 3P Sellers

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Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast) has opened its floors for 3P sellers but with conditions. The marketplace expects this new and promising lot to live up to certain terms and conditions failing which the concerned sellers can lose their position in the marketplace forever. Generally, 4 core expectations of Walmart from 3P sellers have been identified till today and they can be listed as follows…

Following lowest price policy to the last word –

Walmart does not care if you sell on Amazon, eBay or other top marketplaces as such. When you sell on Walmart, you will have to ensure that your list price is the lowest in comparison with all other marketplaces of your presence even if it is by a penny. This usually causes a lot of trouble in integrated e commerce selling mostly because lowest prices have always been one of the primary traffic drivers and top marketplaces cannot accept their sellers diverting traffic to other platforms of sale.

Maintaining very healthy order fulfillment system –

This is one of the pre conditions of being a part of in the first place. Walmart takes into account the nature and health of the order fulfillment system of the applicant seller before giving the entity a go-ahead. Walmart basically expects sellers to ensure that buyers / customers in this marketplace receive their products without any hassles like delays, cancellations etc.

A strong order fulfillment system is also one of the main criterions that determine visibility in End to end integration involving shopping carts and other marketplaces of presence like Shopify Walmart integration etc. can help in maintaining high order fulfillment standards.

Offering high purchase experience to buyers –

High purchase experience basically refers to the entirety of the purchase process involving locating the product on Walmart, clicking on the same, being convinced with the quality and price, experiencing low or no shipping / handling charges followed by healthy fulfillment of the orders without the necessity of returns. 3P sellers that manage to offer such levels of excellence in their services can expect to remain in high visibility in the marketplace for a very long time to come.

Diverting external traffic to –

Walmart expects 3P sellers to ensure driving more purchase motivated traffic towards the platform. Therefore, all attempts at proactive marketing that diverts traffic from digital media platforms, affiliate sites or other associated platforms to can result in very fruitful consequences in the part of the sellers.

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4 Inventory Management Facts All Ecommerce Beginners Must Know

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Inventory is the king in all businesses be it in the realm of ecommerce or otherwise. In fact, it will not be wrong to say that the future of businesses especially ecommerce ventures can depend upon the quality of inventory management carried out by the owning entities. In top performing marketplaces like eBay, Amazon,, Rakuten etc, approach to inventory control can impact seller performance in terms of visibility, traffic, growth and overall revenues.

Considering its importance, here are 4 integral facts of inventory control that all sellers, especially the newer ones should bear in mind at all times…

Inventory management starts from the source of supply chain

If you wish to gain an infallible and all inclusive control on your inventory, manage the same right from the source of the supply chain. This means, keeping in touch with the wholesalers from whom you get your stock. This should be followed by calculated prediction of demands which should eventually guide you in re-stocking your warehouses as and when required without over loading the same or otherwise.

Poor inventory control can lead to unforgivable errors like overselling

Being out of touch with your inventory or guess working through the course of selling can lead to rather unforgivable errors like overselling / underselling, each of which is intolerable to ecommerce marketplaces especially eBay, Amazon, and Sellers who invite such troubles are usually warned or shown the door.

Mismanaged inventory can affect profits

Being out of touch with your inventory can often lead to problems like over stocking of warehouses, losing track of shelved products in warehouses etc. each of which can take significant bites out of any profits so made.

Automation is the key to faultless inventory management

Whether you sell on Walmart, eBay, Amazon or any other marketplace for that matter, you will never be able to establish faultless control on your inventory these days without proper automation solutions. This applies even more in case of multichannel sellers that may be present in two or more marketplaces at the same time.

keeping a tab on how much stock is lying in which warehouse of which marketplace followed by the units that have been shipped, units that are shelved, units that have been returned topped with alerts on low stock etc is easier when controlled through one single user interface and that too without any manual involvement at all.

You also need to understand that ‘Real time’ is more than just two words. If your software solution supports real time inventory management, you can be rest assured that you will continue to maintain your lead through thick and thin.

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4 Steps To Selling Successfully In

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Rating: 1.0/5 (1 vote cast) has gained pace over the past year and has been inviting more and more third party sellers to sell in this platform. While this ecommerce marketplace is yet to walk miles to close distances with Amazon, it still is a platform that is rich with unique visitors and repeat buyers running up to millions. Setting up presence in Walmart at this very moment can help sellers gain visibility and footing more easily all thanks to the fact that competition is not as tough in right now as it is in Amazon and eBay.

However, it is still necessary for sellers to know the basics of what constitutes good setup and selling practices to gain an instant head start in this marketplace. The following four points have been of crucial importance to presently established sellers in…

If you are a brand owner, you will gain a better edge

To begin with, your eligibility and your compatibility with the platform is the first step that needs to be taken note of. entertains brand owners over merchants / resellers. So, if you are the owner of your own brand, you are likely to be at a more favorable position.

Set up and integrate well

Carrying out proper integration processes is critical to gain a head start in this platform. The process is usually easier compared to other tough options like Netsuite etc. but it is always advised to seek assistance of professionals. has already partnered with certain futuristic and affordable third party solution developers who can be approached for the purpose.

Walmart is serious about lowest price and highest value assurance

While in the platform, sellers who wish to gain instant visibility must always take the matter of pricing and values of their listing very seriously. assures lowest prices and highest value of purchase to all buyers and expects that the sellers / merchants will live up to the same. if for example, you wish to sell Walmart on eBay, you will have to ensure that your list price in Walmart is lower than or equal to the list price in eBay. welcomes sellers with good performance records

This mostly goes out to sellers who are also performing in Amazon. Walmart welcomes mostly those entities who have established good selling record in Amazon with highest numbers of good reviews and ratings posted in their favor. This applies for other marketplaces as well.

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