Category Archives: Walmart marketplace sellers

New Badge for Top-Performing Walmart Marketplace Sellers

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New Badge for Top-Performing Walmart Marketplace Sellers

The Walmart Marketplace is home to many sellers, but to make sure that you’re different from other sellers, you have to stay ahead of your competitors. That way, you will be viewed as a reliable seller.  The best way you can do so is by opting for the “Pro Seller Badge.” This a new and unique way to gain more success as a seller on the Walmart Marketplace. These seller badges, viewed as the mark of excellence, will be given to all those sellers who perform brilliantly.

Having this seller badge will help you get recognized for your excellent performance as a seller. Besides that, this badge will drive conversion and boost your business’s exposure on the online platform. You will also get the opportunity to obtain consumer confidence.

How to become qualified for Walmart’s Pro Seller Badge?

If you want to obtain a Pro Seller Badge for the Walmart marketplace, you have to become qualified for it. You should fulfill these criteria:

  • The seller should conduct less than 90% of the on-time delivers in the past 90 days
  • Sellers should have more than 2% of the cancellations in the past 90 days
  • Around 70% of the trending catalog of the seller should be less than 60%
  • Orders should be over 100 in the past 90 days
  • Sellers must not violate the performance standards or trust and safety
  • Sellers should stay active for 90 days.

Checking the status of the Pro Seller Badge: How it’s done?

If you wish to know about the status of the Pro Seller Badge, you can check out at the “Seller Center.” Whether your badge needs some enhancements or you’re already badged, you will pay for the information at the seller center.

  • Go to the “Analytics and Reports section and choose “Growth Opportunities.”
  • After that, visit the Listing Quality Dashboard
  • After that, go to the pro seller badge area and check the status

Once you go over the position of your seller insignia, it will give you a clue of whether or not it is complete. Be sure to stay rationalized with the badge’s position so that you can use it to gain triumph in the marketplace.

What makes pro-seller badges so vital?

When Walmart sellers have a pro seller badge, it will ensure all the customers that will receive an outstanding shopping experience. It can also let all the customers know they will receive premium-quality products at a great price.  Having these badges will also let the customers know that the sellers have been performing extremely well and only offers products that are double-checked.

Besides that, having a seller’s badge will also increase the conversion rate and show everyone that your business is reliable and trusted.

Last Words

The Pro Seller’s Badge from Walmart will help all the sellers greatly. It will enable them to gain more success than other sellers and also get to show all the customers that their business is trusted and offers top-quality products. It’s guaranteed that these badges will allow all the sellers to see an increase in the conversion rate.

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Walmart Listing Optimization Tips

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Walmart US’s projected online sales for 2022 are estimated to be $75 billion. This is almost double of eBay US’s online sales and much higher than combined sales of BestBuy, Target, and HomeDepot. Listing any product on is definitely not enough for any retailer to be successful at Walmart. The first step towards success on Walmart is having a high-quality product. The second step towards success is creating a high-quality listing. Having a high-quality listing will ensure that your listing shows up on the search result and convinces the buyer to make a purchase.

It is important to have high-quality product listings on all online shopping channels. However, there are a few key points that you need to consider while optimizing listings on Walmart. In the age of multi-channel listing, it will be overwhelming for any seller to understand each marketplace especially when the rules change for every product category.

Walmart Product Listing

  1. Walmart Listing Quality

Walmart offers a free listing quality dashboard for all sellers to help them in optimizing listings. Walmart will provide a listing quality score out of 100 based on factors like product content and discovery, offer, reviews and ratings, and after-sales quality and service.

Walmart listing quality dashboard considers all key factors which influence shoppers’ decision to make a purchase. Walmart uses advanced algorithms to offer quality scores for individual listings based on what matters most to the shoppers. The factors for listings vary as per product category.

  1. Marketplace Algorithm

Understanding search algorithms for each marketplace may not be easy. However, assuming all marketplaces use the same search algorithms is incorrect. For example, Amazon prioritizes search results based on the prime status and suggests listings as per buyers’ intent. However, Walmart search algorithms are more inclined towards keywords match suggests listings based on a different set of rules. The points explained below comprise of a significant part of the rule-set. The experts at ChannelSale Software Service understand how search algorithms for each marketplace work and how sellers can work with it.

  1. Using Walmart Specific Title

It is recommended to have around 50 to 75 characters in a title. Titles should be unique to Walmart. It is not recommended to have the same title as other marketplaces.

Suggested Formula: Brand + Clothing Size Group (if applicable) + Defining Quality + Item Name + Style (if applicable) + Pack Count

It makes a huge difference if you have a useful feature that shoppers may search for. For variations, you can mention these points in the key features or description section. Make sure that the product title is easily readable and should appeal to potential buyers. ChannelSale offers features for writing business rules to customize titles for each marketplace allowing tailor-made titles for each marketplace.

Do not include:

Seller Name

Special characters

Marketing phrases like “bestseller”

Other marketplace names

  1. Image Quality & Media

Images are the most important attribute that shoppers look at before making a decision. Always ensure your pictures are professional, in focus, and do not show any accessories which are not included with the product. The images should be high definition and zoom enabled. The main image should be a front view with a white background. Images are to be cropped not resized to trim excess background. Include additional images with multiple angles. It is good to include media components like interactive tours, 360-degree views, and product reviews.

  1. Competitive Pricing

We know that Walmart will unpublish listings if the prices are not competitive. Walmart’s vision statement is “to provide the most affordable prices to the customers”. Product prices are among the most important factors while listing on Walmart. The best practice for any seller is to review and revise your prices based on the prices offered by the buy box winners.

You can use Walmart repricing tools for automated pricing, better search results, and to win buy box. Use a shipping calculator for finding the best carrier who can deliver products quickly and at a better cost.

  1. Description & Keywords

Product description should always be more than 150 words. It should not just be simple, easy to understand, and presentable but should also incorporate keywords most relevant to what shoppers would look for. Description appeals to customers who are already interested in the product. The description should highlight key features and benefits. It should explain the products’ best qualities along with being helpful to the buyers.

  1. Product Attributes

Product attributes appear to buyers as specifications. They help buyers to filter search results. It is recommended to fill in as many desired attributes as possible with relevant values. They help the products to appear on search results. Key product attributes can be found on marketplace taxonomy sheets as per the product category.

  1. Key Features

Key features are your product highlights. They emphasize the product’s specific details. It will be the product’s short description which can be easily read and understood. It is recommended to have about five to ten key features in bullet points. Ensure that the bullet points are sequenced as per their importance and they include all keywords.

  1. Walmart Reviews & Service

Marketplace reviews and service will always remain intertwined. Reviews are the most important factor in online selling. They offer validation for the products and the sellers about the quality of the product and service being offered online. Good reviews can be earned by selling the best quality products and offering good customer service.

Walmart has two types of reviews. Product reviews are related to the products being delivered and retailer reviews focus on the after-sales service provided by the seller. Walmart employees are also able to leave a review. Reviews for the product and the retailer are highly influenced by the service being offered. The better the reviews, the higher would be the potential for the product to be sold.

  1. Walmart KPI’s

Customer experience will always be the most important factor for Walmart as this is what sets them apart from other marketplaces. Walmart seller central will promote sellers and their products who offer the best service and maintain the best KPIs. Consistently monitor seller center analytics and reports and work on improving KPIs. Primary KPIs are listed below:

Order defect rate

On-time shipping rate

On-time delivery rate

Trust and safety score

For sellers having difficulty maintaining their KPIs, it is recommended to outsource tasks for enhancing customer experience. Experts at ChannelSale can offer consultation on the necessary steps required for improving KPIs not just for Walmart but for other marketplaces as well.


High-quality listing is the root of every successful sale. The quality of your listing will not just increase your product’s visibility but also has the power to build the customer’s experience towards your brand. The above points can be categorized into content, offer, and performance from the perspective of Walmart.

Having expert assistance to carry out listing optimization activity goes a long way for any seller. ChannelSale offers dedicated support for listing optimization to ensure that your listings are not just in sync with all marketplaces but they are competitive as well. Sales growth activities will comprise a lot more than the above-mentioned 10 points at no additional cost.

Securing the top search result on Walmart is not easy. Top search results do not come overnight but Walmart may remove the listing or the seller overnight. Securing the top position for search results requires sellers to consistently optimize their listings, review prices for products and shipping, and offer best in class service to earn those positive reviews and increase sales.


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5 Steps To Responsible eBay Inventory Management

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Inventory management is still one of the biggest challenges that eBay sellers face on a regular basis irrespective of their nature, volume or experience levels. Cases of over and under selling, explosive warehouse charges, ever draining revenues, warnings from eBay etc. are reported almost every single day by sellers in this marketplace at a global scale.

Proper eBay inventory control measures can however, ensure solving the issue by leaps for extended productivity and revenue generation. Following are 5 steps to responsible management of inventory in eBay that successful sellers usually swear by…

Educating yourself about best practices at the onset always helps –

Learning what to expect and what not to expect while managing inventory in eBay is the first step to making the right decisions as far as designing productive management strategies is concerned. Educating yourself about tools and software requirements for the purpose also goes a very long way in staying in the right track through the vigorously evolving nature of this marketplace.

End to end integration including the supply chain source is imperative –

You cannot manage inventory in eBay successfully without proper end to end integration working in your favor. And yes, this includes the supply chain source as well. At all times you are required to be in tune not only with what flows in and what flows out, but also with what you may have in stock or may not have in stock over the next month / quarter depending upon the temperament of your supply chain source.

Demand prediction is not a myth –

How well you manage your inventory in eBay depends to a significant extent on successful demand prediction as well. The importance of demand prediction is universal in ecommerce and is applicable to Amazon,, Walmart marketplace sellers and entities performing in all other ecommerce platforms for that matter.

Engage warehouses and warehouse space responsibly –

Warehouses have often been cited as reasons that cause maximum seepage of revenues and that too imperceptibly. Therefore, learning about responsible usage of warehouses as well as integrating with the same end to end can be one of the best approaches for infallible inventory control in eBay.

eBay FBA can be productive only if you know how to do it right –

Lastly, FBA can be a blessing as far as maintaining order completion standards without flaws is concerned. However, if you are clueless about how much FBA will cost and the level of control you may have over your inventory when it is shipped to FBA warehouses, things can get difficult. Therefore, learning about eBay FBA before approaching the same can help boost inventory control in this marketplace.

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