2024 Holiday Shopping Season Prep Already You Bet!

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2024 Holiday Shopping Season

The retailers must prepare for the shoppers as soon as holiday shopping time arrives. This time of the year is very crucial for them. As per studies conducted in this field, 28 percent people start holiday shopping well before November. Thus, online retailers must be prepared for the sudden increase in shoppers. They may encounter many challenges, such as supply chain issues, uncertainties, shipping delays, etc. So, waiting till the nth hour to start preparations for holiday shopping may pose many problems.

Online retailers can devise a well-thought-out strategy that keeps them ahead of the game and handles any contingencies that they may face. Here are a few tips that can help them prepare for the 2024 holiday season shopping.

2024 Holiday Shopping Season Prep Already

Also referred to as “The October Kickoff,” this approach is gaining much traction among excited shoppers. Instead of waiting until the last minute, they start making plans for the holiday season as early as October. This way, they have ample time to look for gifts and make timely purchases. They are ready with their shopping lists and start the activity with proper planning. Once the shopping list is ticked off, the retailers can align with the shoppers, see what they are doing, and prepare for the upcoming holiday season. Thus, as the October deadline looms larger, here is what an online retailer can do-

  • Let us tackle any problems and check out the existing listings.
  • Improve the Amazon A+ content to convey your product and brand narrative.
  • Settle the products to include in the fourth quarter catalog.
  • Review all data across active marketplaces.

The retailer must optimize and collect the expected projects that will sell well in the upcoming holiday season. This way, meeting the October deadline becomes easier. It is also the best time to evaluate which products are not faring well or are underperforming from the previous year so that the retailer can create optimal inventory levels. The retailer can also make plans to enhance reach to diverse marketplaces. This way, in September, they can establish a strong presence.

Overcoming Challenges

Consumer spending habits have undergone a considerable change due to inflationary pressures. Despite high product costs, customers make purchases, but they have now become more discerning when making buying decisions. As a retailer or a seller, it is essential to stand apart from the competition by focusing on critical areas –

  1. Assisting customers with their needs
  2. Providing shipping options
  3. Describing products. Offering details
  4. Gathering feedback and reviews

Understanding the stocking schedules for Q4 inventory when utilizing marketplace fulfillment services is crucial in the supply chain to overcome obstacles.

Critical steps for success include

  1. Setting goals
  2. Planning and achieving sales targets during the holiday season can be quite a task as sales peak during this time, but transactions happen throughout the year.
  3. Expanding marketing campaigns globally
  4. Upholding customer service standards
  5. Evaluating holiday season performance to guide decisions for the year

Make the most of the expertise and two decades of experience of ChannelSale to boost product sales growth. We use advanced software solutions to sync inventory, listings, and orders across different channels.

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