Tag Archives: Woocommerce Amazon

Extensions Between Two Marketplace Giants Increase Operational Efficiencies

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When planning to sell products on multiple marketplaces, the vendor needs to invest in a high-end extension or integration tools making it easier and hassle-free for him to ensure high operational efficiency. For instance, if a vendor is already using the WooCommerce platform to sell products and is now planning to use Amazon to reach out to a greater customer base, it is recommended to use the WooCommerce Amazon integration tool. This way any changes made in the WooCommerce platform like product quantity, inventory, pricing and more, it will automatically be reflected on Amazon. This way, it saves a lot of precious time and effort that vendors can put to more productive purposes.

Here are a few more benefits that can be enjoyed by using the BigCommerce eBay integration tool.

Inventory Sync

The tool helps in quick syncing of inventory with real-time updates making inventory management easier, faster, smoother, and convenient as ever.

Bulk Upload
The tool makes it easier for the vendor to upload products in bulk on a marketplace using bulk upload features with just one click of the mouse.

Easy to manage dashboard

The store can be easily and smoothly managed on a single dashboard. It makes it easier for the vendor to stay ahead of his competitors by staying on top of things.

There are many features of this integration tool which saves a lot of time and effort for the vendor. It is very easy and quick to install, 24*7 responsive support, and detailed documentation. This plugin is the best choice when planning to take your online business to greater heights and the next level of success. Some important ways that it helps vendors is by-

1. Quick profile-based product upload
2. Product Category Mapping
3. Rejected Products Notification
4. Configurable and simple products upload
5. Profile-based pricing and synchronized inventory.

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