4 Steps To Healthy Amazon Inventory Management

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Quality of Amazon selling and proportion of seller success is directly dependent upon the quality of inventory management in this marketplace. As has been witnessed over the past few years, problems like order defect rates increasing over 1% that is usually caused by order cancellation initiated by the sellers owing to over / under selling, can lead to immediate loss of ranking or suspension of the seller in this no nonsense marketplace.

Besides this, mismanaged Amazon inventory, especially those that are spread over multiple warehouses including FBA warehouses can directly result in profit drainage that can compromise monthly / annual revenues to a significant extent. To remain in the safer side of things, here are a few steps that sellers can embrace to initiate an yielding and harmonious inventory management process per se…

Always start with streamlined inventory to prevent over stocking –

Even if you are experiencing the best of demands, it will always work in your favor to maintain your inventory at a manageable level. Prevention of overstocking can instantly address a number of annoying issues starting with losing track of immobile inventory that eats up space and cost while not generating any income in return.

Maintain healthy relationship with the supply chain source –

Maintaining a healthy relationship with the supply chain source forms the back bone of maintaining streamlined inventory. This goes a very long way in proper demand prediction which helps sellers stock the right volume of inventory at the right time while generating maximum demand for the same.

Properly integrated feed management like Magento Amazon feed etc always helps in moving out the inventory faster which again contributes to lower warehouse costs and enhanced revenues.

Integrate with real time benefits –

Inventory integration is critical for third party Amazon sellers that do not receive any benefits from the marketplace in this respect. Approaching professional integration services is imperative for staying in tune with the evolution of the marketplace and its requirements. Real time inventory integration is one of the most important features that all sellers must insist upon for effortless yet error free performance.

Always use fee calculation tools –

Lastly, using fee calculation tools to manage inventory costs especially the super structure of FBA charges, can work wonders in terms of cost cutting and revenue management. While fee calculation tools are not intimately linked with the process of inventory management per se, they certainly add a boost to the entirety of the system for enhanced seller benefit.

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