Amazon Brand Gating: How to Safeguard Your Brand on Amazon?

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Amazon Brand Gating

E-commerce platforms have the power to help brands connect with their targeted audience and increase their revenues. But they also doors to all the bad actors who create unauthorized representations of a brand’s products.

Since these types of situations have taken place quite a lot, e-commerce giants like Amazon have made the decision to protect their sellers from issues through “brand gating.” Speaking of brand gating, what exactly is that? Let’s find out!

Amazon Brand Gating: A brief definition

The brand gating program on Amazon was created to help all Amazon sellers by enabling them to stop all the unauthorized sales of knockoff items. Through the “Amazon Brand Registry,” all sellers can protect their presence in the marketplace. This will restrict the sellers for all their items, and they will need to be written permission and approval before the resellers can conduct the operations.

What makes Brand Gating on Amazon Crucial?

Despite being a reputed e-commerce giant, Amazon is the hotbed for all phony activities. Many top-notch businesses have hesitated to sell their products directly to customers due to such reasons.  Even though countless measures were taken to prevent these situations, customers still fall prey to all the forged scams. They find themselves tangled up in these problems because they cannot tell the difference between the actual products and the forged ones.

They keep their focus a lot more on comparing the prices instead of vetting the merchants to make convenient and quick purchases. When they come across products available at a lower price, consumers believe that Amazon is providing them with great purchase options. This is exactly where all the issues begin.

Branding gating will enable all the sellers to take immediate action on all the scammers and will prevent all the customers from buying fake and low-quality products.

How exactly does Brand Gating on Amazon work?

Branding gating at Amazon needs all the resellers to provide evidence that they have permission to sell your items on Amazon. You can choose the listings and products that will need proof from the reseller by connecting an ASIN [Amazon Standard Identification Number].

The resellers will get a notification and will only get the chance to resell your products if they:

  • Sends 3 buying invoices from the distributor or the manufacturer
  • Pays a non-refundable fee of $1500 to your business
  • Submits written permission from a business to sell all the gated items

The documentation and the fee will prevent all these sellers from getting a payout by scamming all your products or items.

How to apply for the brand gating program Amazon?

When you’re determined to get the brand gating program for your business. You must apply for it. To do so, you must follow these easy steps:

  • You must register your business with “Amazon Brand Services.”
  • Provide the Amazon Standard Identification Number for the brand gating
  • After that, you must submit the application, and Amazon will manage the rest

Ending Phrase 

Amazon branding gating helps you prevent all unauthorized resellers from selling knockoff products to all customers. It will keep all your products safe and away from unwanted resellers, increase revenue, and will allow you to have full control over your products.

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